Can you beat these Gunpowder Age Bases?

By July 07, 2015 , ,

Here are the solid Gunpowder Age defense bases for you.
They are hardly beaten.

#1. Base Layout of NationVille

#2. Base Layout from KingCandy

And more Gunpowder Age base layouts are included in the video below check :

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  1. Nationville's base suck, few explosive tactics can make shortwork of the mortars, then spams rifles after rifles and bombards and the base is finished.

    Kingcandy's one is worse, unless Kingcandy have a forbiddened city , a well defended one. Then the layout is completely pointless. A few harbediers and generals already secured the two star victory. then all the player need to do is to target resource buildings alone. Farms and Caravan gold is worth more than storage resources.
